OFSTED 2024: GOOD in all areas! “There is a really strong, inclusive culture in this school that promotes equality for all, and that is really modelled through all staff and through the leadership, because all children are welcome here and the school does everything they can to care, nurture and educate.” (OFSTED 24)

PTA (FACES Friends of Cadmore End School)

(Friends At Cadmore End School)
Every parent is a member of the PTA and its success is totally reliant on the active support of parents and friends; all are encouraged to get involved at either the planning or staging of fundraising events.

A considerable amount of money is raised for school by the PTA each year and their contribution to the community life of our school is crucial. The PTA not only arranges fundraising events, but arranges and funds or subsidises many events for the children each year including Christmas party, Christmas present for each pupil, Easter egg hunt including Easter egg for each pupil, visiting music/drama groups.

The PTA is conscious of the need to spread investment, events and subsidies across all year groups, and spends its money carefully - if nothing is needed, nothing is purchased. This means that families benefit from PTA funds from day one and probably before they have even contributed. Equally, being a small school it is very difficult to assist with funding major projects unless some reserve is held.

FACES (Friends at Cadmore End School) is for anyone who wants to come and help raise funds and fun events for the school. We raise money for large and small projects around school that help enhance our children’s experiences at school.
How can I help?

There are lots of ways you can help!

Got any good fund raising ideas? Come along to our next meeting and share your ideas.

Help run an event. Organise or help run an event...many hands make light work! Cook sausages at hot dog day, send in raffle prizes, make cakes, run a stall at the Christmas fair or the tuck shop at the disco, make pancakes, get a quiz team together, pluck eyebrows, serve teas .... If we all donated an hour a term, that would be over 100 hours of volunteering! WOW

For further information about PTA volunteering opportunities, annual reports and upcoming events email here.